Friday, 20 September 2013

Go Frontiers will be attending the next Amber Valley Business Club meeting - Wed 09/10/2013

Go Frontiers will be attending the next Amber Valley Business Club meeting (Wed 09/10/2013), Makeney Hall Hotel, Belper, DE56 ORS.

Hope to see you all there.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Amber Valley Business Network Event (Marehay) | Go Frontiers (Chinese business culture)

Go Frontiers had a great time networking and the food at The Village Inn, located at Upper Marehay, was brilliant.

Had some great conversations about China and the Chinese business culture and how to eat with chopsticks.

The Guest Speaker for the day was David Negus from Ellis-Fermor & Negus Solicitors on HS2 Rail Line: Exceptional Hardship Scheme Phase II. 

Amber Valley Business Network Event (10/09/13) | Go Frontiers (Chinese business culture)

A good start to the day, networking and listening to the presentations on:
• Climate Change & the Environment
• Sustainable Travel
• Healthy Business

Author: Gary Rice, Chinese business culture expert
Company: Go Frontiers (UK & China)

Amber Valley Jobs Fair (06/09/13) | Go Frontiers (Chinese business culture)

We had a brilliant day networking at the Amber Valley Jobs Fair, organised by Nigel Mills MP.
Met Jason, an old friend from Ripley Mill Hill school and had a good chat about doing business in China and Chinese business culture and how this effects businesses and the problems of day-to-day communications.
Communications is an issue for companies dealing with China and companies waste a lot of time trying to communicate effectively. If the companies kept their emails simple for the Chinese who have to communicate in their second language (English). Business would run much smoother.